Since 2013, WikiLeaks has been releasing successive chapters of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Without Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, the citizens of the world would know nothing about the future that multinational corporations are planning for us– a world where workers are paid as little as possible, where Internet freedom will no longer exist, where drug patents will be extended (thus eliminating generic drugs), where corporations can sue governments for potential loss of profits, where environmental, public health, and labor laws will be gutted for the good of the greedy, where privatization will maximize profits and minimize service, where the idea of government acting for public good will be sacrificed in order to raise profits of the few.
The richest 1% already own half of the world’s wealth, but apparently, that’s not enough. In addition to currently negotiating the TPP in secret, two other global “free” trade agreements also are being negotiated — the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which is the TPP for countries on the Atlantic Ocean, and Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), which covers global services.
This week, WikiLeaks turned its focus to the TiSA by releasing 17 TiSA-related documents including 11 full chapters. The outline for the TiSA has been in place for almost a year, but the corporate plan to keep these documents secret for five years after the plan is signed has been foiled by WikiLeaks. (What would we do without whistle blowers?!)