Corners of Speedway and Campbell in support of Wisconsin unions and The American Dream

by David Safier

The crowd supporting Wisconsin union workers was already substantial at 11:30, a half hour before the noontime event was to begin. By noon the rally dominated all four corners of Speedway and Campbell. By 1:00, my estimate is that there were a total of 600 people — 500 minimum — on the corners, heaviest on the northeast corner.

Horn honking was continuous — lots of support from passing drivers. The best honking, of course, came from the basso blasts of the eighteen wheelers.

Here are partial views of all four corners.





Methinks the Republican Party miscalculated when it decided to play a game of cave-or-else with the public workers of Wisconsin. Right about now, I bet they're trying to figure out a way to shove the genie back in the bottle, but it may be too late.

Save the American Dream!