The Harris for President Campaign Lays Out Its Strategy to Win the 2024 Election

With a surge of unprecedented enthusiasm not seen since perhaps the early days of Barack Obama 2008 Presidential campaign, the Harris for President team has laid out its strategy to win the White House in November. In a memo sent out early this morning (just in time for the morning news shows like Morning Joe) … Read more

Convicted and Failed President Donald Trump Embraces Dictators and Wants to Stop Veterans from Voting; What Can Possibly Go Wrong

Donald ‘I killed Roe v Wade’ Trump and his new running mate J.D. ‘Women should stay in abusive marriages’ Vance had their first joint rally in Michigan yesterday (July 20, 2024) and played the greatest hits of MAGA lies and really really warped statements. Among them were: While his views on authoritarian oppressive rulers are … Read more

On the Last Night of the MAGA Love Fest, Their Dear Leader Gave the Classic Totalitarian Address and Alienated the Rest of the Country

Clapping like Stalin, Donald Trump strutted onto the stage like Mussolini and delivered a speech that could have easily been given in the 1930s totalitarian Russia, Italy, or Germany. Using religious nationalist overtones that Spain’s Franco would have admired, Mr. Trump, who became the first felon, twice impeached former President, and the person found liable … Read more

(UPDATED)More Proof (Like That is Needed) That Convicted, Traitor, and Sexual Assaulter Trump is Unfit: Watch the Latest Lincoln Project Ad Called “Rambling”

While several news stations and pundits are concentrating on hounding President Joe Biden out of the Presidential Campaign by telling their audience that “he is a great President and leader” but get the hell out, the Lincoln Project reminds the country of the real threat to the country and the actual candidate that is unhinged … Read more

Marlene Galan-Woods Discusses the Race for the Democratic House Congressional District One Primary

Arizona House Congressional District (CD) One is one of the most-watched Congressional races in the country.  A district where, in 2022, incumbent David Schweikert prevailed in a non-Presidential election year by about a point, has Democrats gleeful that this seat can be a pickup on the road to recapturing a House majority in this November’s … Read more