5 thoughts on “Forum on Inclusion and Equality in Tucson”

  1. Very unfortunate to schedule this at the same time as a TUSD Governing Board candidate forum where compliance with the deseg order was a major topic of questions from the audience.

    • Not sure who scheduled first, but I think Councilman Steve K had this one scheduled a while ago. Yes, I noticed that many parents and other activists would have liked to attend this Catalina HS forum as well. Maybe the Councilman will continue this discussion, as nothing was really resolved. Some audience members last night asked that the TPD Chief be part of the panel in the future, and also a judge re: mandatory sentencing.

  2. Why isn’t a forum like this done in the Tempe/Phoenix area? There is always tension between Whites/Latinos/Blacks around town.

    Look up from the 1980’s/1990’s “Harmony In A World Of Differance” via PBS ‘Newshour’,ect

    • Well, ask your respective Councilmember about such a forum, and have him/her speak to our Ward 6 Councilmember Steve Kozachik, who organized this event. His email is ward6@tucsonaz.gov, phone 520-791-4601.

  3. Over 90 people in attendance at this forum tonight, with the speakers listed above except for Reba Kalil who had a family emergency. Steve K’s intent was to have a community conversation about business/educational opportunities for Tucsonans instead of dwelling on racial disparities. After brief introductions by each panelist, the audience spoke of a wide range of topics including lack of minority representation in law enforcement, danger of mandatory sentencing, racial profiling, need for more job creation, access to education, violence vs. peace building, suggestion of a diversity festival, working with small businesses. Everyone seemed to agree that change was needed and that education was key/important to rising out of poverty. Many speakers said that an incident like in Ferguson could happen in Tucson. In attendance tonight were PCC Governing Bd. members Brenda Even and Marty Cortez, TPD Chief Robert Villasenor, former Councilman Chuck Ford.

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