Ken Bennett’s lameness meter is at 11

by David Safier

There was a time Ken Bennett seemed like a kinder, gentler Arizona conservative, at least compared to the competition. But now . . .

First it was the birther thing. He needed confirmation from Hawaii Obama was born there. So he heard from Hawaii. All good.

Now it's Bennett saying Obama was lying during his younger days, saying he was born in Kenya so he could get into college and such.

"I actually think he was fibbing about being born in Kenya when he was trying to get into college and doing things like writing a book and on and on and on.

"So if there was weird stuff going on, I actually think it was happening back in his college days because I think he has spent $1.5 or $2 million through attorneys to have all the college records and all that stuff sealed.

"So if you're spending money to seal something, that's probably where the hanky panky was going on. "

Bennett must have thought he was only talking to friendly Republicans, but someone posted the speech on YouTube. Oops.

That's the vile part. Here comes the lame part. Bennett is trying to wiggle out of his comments by saying they were misconstrued. See, because he said "if," as in "if there was weird stuff going on," he wasn't really accusing Obama of lying or spending money to cover it up. He was just speculating.

Except, before he said "if," he said,

"I actually think he was fibbing about being born in Kenya . . ."

"I actually think." To me, that means he's stating, you know, what he actually thinks.

Also this:

"I think he has spent $1.5 or $2 million through attorneys to have all the college records and all that stuff sealed."

Again, "I think" means that's what he thinks.

Where did he come up with these ideas? Based on his answer, he either pulled them out of his nether regions, or he got them from one of those viral, anti-Obama emails. Pretty much the same thing.

"I have no personal knowledge about what happened," Bennett said, referring to Obama's college days.

Ken, a word of advice. You're no good at this batshit crazy stuff. It doesn't fit you like it does, say, Russell Pearce or Al Melvin. Your attempts to pander to the wackos are about as convincing as Romney trying to act like a regular Joe.

5 thoughts on “Ken Bennett’s lameness meter is at 11”

  1. Exactly…considering that I own his books, I would be happy to check the page number.

  2. Your ignorance is stunning, though not surprising. It is much easier to believe the pablum that is force fed to you by those that would use you and others, to achieve their means….and head’s up…none of it includes you.
    No where in his book did he say that he was born in Kenya. Never HAS said that, yet you let yourself be swept up in these theories because it’s convenient for you. It releases you from the responsibility of truth, or finding out that you have been lied to and manipulated. After all, when you have realized this,would you be angry at the people that TOLD those lies? Would you be angry at yourself for believing them? No…much easier to believe a long debunked conspiracy theory than acknowledge the truth…mostly about yourself.
    Let’s just come out with it. The black man doesn’t belong in the White House. I’m guessing, that’s what you really think. This is just easier.

  3. Dave, the thesis of your post is that Bennett actually believes these things coming out of his mouth, but then you turn it around at the end and say he’s just pandering to the crazies, which doesn’t fit him. Oh yes it does fit him. Like you said, “actually believes.”

  4. “bat shit crazy stuff”!!! Its in Obamas book, Obama said he was born in Kenya!!!! If this were a Republican, you would be going nuts demanding those college records.

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