Life must be tough in the conservative shtetl

by David Safier

Let's face it, it's not easy being a Jew in old Eastern Europe a conservative in 21st century America. You have to put up with Blood Libels, not to mention pogroms.

Yes, add "pogrom" to the offensive obsurdities from the right. The Washington Times believes Palin's Blood Libel reference makes perfect sense. After all:

This is simply the latest round of an ongoing pogrom against conservative thinkers.

For anyone not familiar with the term, "pogrom" refers to the organized mob attacks against Jews, mainly in Eastern Europe. (I haven't heard anyone use the word "shtetl," which I put in the headline. It refers to the small villlages where Jews lived in Eastern Europe.)

I'm going to ask a question, then give a possible answer.

Why Blood Libel? Why pogrom? Why comparisons to some of the worst forms of European anti-semitism?

My answer is, it works perfectly with the notion that Obama wants to round up conservatives and throw them in concentration camps. Carefully chosen language in poetry, advertising and politics should resonate forward, backward and sideways. To the extent that these were careful choices, "Blood Libel" and "pogrom" are perfect examples.