Listen to Prop. 204 Strong Start Tucson forum on Buckmaster radio show

KVOI Radio host Bill Buckmaster moderated on September 28,  a Prop. 204 forum between Penelope Jacks, chairwoman of Strong Start Tucson and Democratic activist Luke Knipe, chairman on No on 204.  Listen to the discussion here:

Prop. 204 is on the November 7, 2017 ballot, and is a proposed 1/2 cent sales tax increase  for  preschool education funding.

More on Strong Start Tucson proposition: “Attendance in high-quality early education is a strong predictor of future academic achievement and lifelong productivity. Strong Start Tucson believes that by increasing the city sales tax by half a cent, we can create a meaningful funding source to allow up to 8,000 Tucson children to attend a high-quality preschool program.”

Vote wisely on or before November 7, 2017. Early ballots go out on October 11.

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