Local blogger gets good press in the Star

by David Safier

The Star has a very nice article about what looks like an enjoyable and valuable local blog, specially geared for parents, Tucson Mama. And its author, Julie Reed, is an unashamed progressive. Go, Julie!

The fact that the Star refers to Tucson Mama as a "website" through the first half of the article and in the headline . . . well, that's the Star. Yes, a blog is technically a website, but Tucson Mama is as much a blog as BfA. The Star is funny that way. It doesn't want to give blogs publicity, even when it's writing about a blog.

OK. I managed to mention Tucson Mama three times in this post — four counting this last one. Give it a visit if you're so inclined.

Happy holidays, Julie. (Full disclosure: I have never met or heard of Ms. Reed until this morning. I just like what she's doing, that's all.)