Send photos of potholes to Tucson Pothole project

3/4/14 update:  Tucson Pothole project founders will take their project to the Tucson City Council on April 8.

Fictional account below, not for the weak of stomach or those with weak car suspensions:
“It was a dark and stormy night in Tucson. You’re driving alone in your vehicle, late at night. Visibility is low, as it has been raining somewhat heavily. There are no street lights on your way home. Suddenly your head lights reveal the danger ahead…a large, looming Tucson pothole, waiting for its next victim. You drive with trepidation, anxious and afraid to proceed– but your car keeps rolling along, unaware of the danger. You attempt to swerve to avoid the pothole, but it is too large and too late,  and your right wheels fall precariously into it. Your car shakes badly and you curse (expletive deleted). ”

Just imagine that scenario above if you were riding on your bike at night, with a dim front bike light.  Here’s what some UA students are doing to fix potholes in Tucson.

Two University of Arizona students Laura Unklesbay and Korey Cowan have set up a wordpress file for anyone to send in photos of their “favorite” pothole(s), in order to pressure the City of Tucson Street & Traffic Maintenance Dept. to fix them in a more timely manner.

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LUNAFEST (films by, for, about Women) at the Loft



March is  Women’s History (“Herstory”) Month. Check out this annual event at the Loft Cinema in celebration of women during the entire month. It’s also Girls’ Day today in my Japanese culture, when we honor the girls in our families (Carolyn’s note).

Tuesday, March 4 at 7:00pm

General Admission: $10 • Students: $5,,

 To purchase tickets in advance call WOSAC at (520) 621-5656. Advance tickets are not available at The Loft Cinema, 3233 E. Speedway Blvd.

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Premiere of Tucson Homeless Youth Project film

Homeless Youth Project film – Tucson (from

About 70 people attended the premiere film screening today at Armory Park Center, 220  S. 5th Avenue of the new Homeless Youth Project  film produced by Pan Left Productions and the Carlos G. Figueroa Foundation.  I’ve posted above the URL link to this 30 minute film for viewers to see and share with others. M/C Brian Flagg of Casa Maria Kitchen encouraged everyone present to continue to support the good work done by several agencies in town:

Our Family, Youth on Their Own (YOTO), Tucson Youth Development, Wingspan, Primavera, many of which had tables at this event.  There was also a table with B/W photos entitled “The Forgotten Ones” of homeless individuals/camps taken by Master Photographer Anselmo Rascon, who was present.

Ward 3 Councilmember Karin Uhlich welcomed everyone and said that more needs to be done in helping the poor and homeless in Tucson, that we need to “listen to the poor, homeless” because we are “not doing enough”.

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