Arizona Democratic Congressional Candidates react to the Wrong Direction Our Country’s Health Care System is Taking.

Remember when the Liar in Chief said he would repeal and replace Obamacare (also known as The Affordable Care Act) with a health care system that was better and less expensive. Well, the current Administration has taken many steps to weaken Obamacare. Those, according to the Wall Street Journal, include: Reducing the sign-in period and … Read more

Progressives and Senator Kyrsten Sinema need to Come Together and Reconcile.

The current spat between the Progressive wing of the Arizona Democratic Party and it’s first Arizona Democratic Senator in 30 years is nothing new in Political History. As has been pointed out in the media, Republican zealots censured John McCain in 2014. He still won reelection in 2016. Republican hardliners thought Ronald Reagan and George … Read more

The Village Idiots Strike Again on Sex Education.

Last June, a band of reactionary zealots stampeded the State Board of Education meeting to protest against common-sense reforms in the language of the sex education health guidelines. These village idiots have apparently found new support in the current Arizona Speaker of the House, Russel Bowers. At a weekend meeting sponsored by the Southern Poverty … Read more

The ADLCC plans to help Turn the Arizona State Legislature Blue in 2020.

Pleased with the Democratic gains in 2018, the Arizona Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (ADLCC) is again planning to target certain legislative districts in 2020 in the hopes of shifting the balance of power from red to blue in the State Legislature. With Republicans holding a slim 31 to 29 seat majority in the State House … Read more

Arizona Democrats react to the State Supreme Court Ruling Against Tolerance.

In a razor-thin four to three vote, the Arizona State Supreme Court, ruled on September 16, 2019, that two print shop owners did not, for religious (bigoted) reasons, have to print wedding invitations for a same-sex couple. The Justices did not rule on the validity of the Phoenix Anti Discrimination Ordinance which the city advocates … Read more