Rep. Pam Powers Hannley

#AZ House Passes Insurance Bills, Ignores Calls for #COVID19 Special Session (video)

OK, I’m back in the saddle again. Back in the Arizona House, that is. To be safe, I am doing Floor sessions on the Floor with my mask and gloves but all other meetings remotely. Today, we had a very interesting Democratic Caucus meeting in the morning. ASU data modeling scientists presented data and answered … Read more

A visualization of how Arizona is not meeting the criteria for reopening safely

The website attempts to answer “How We Reopen Safely.” Using the gating criteria provided by the White House, we’ve tracked each state’s progress towards its reduction in symptoms and cases, health system readiness,  and increased test capacity. Using sources like the COVID Tracking Project and the CDC we are able to start measure how a … Read more

Joe Biden and the Democrats plan for Tomorrow

While Donald Trump and his cult enablers play Dr. Death and Dr. Doom with the country either by: Peddling miracle drugs with little to no health benefits for patients (AZ Blue Meanie just wrote a piece on the Stable Genius taking hydroxychloroquine,) Ignoring the advice of scientific and medical experts by potentially reopening the economy … Read more

Arizona House

Arizona House Resumes 54th Session on May 19. Now What?

The Arizona House of Representatives has been adjourned since March 23, 2020, due to the COVID19 pandemic. Some of us wanted to vote to sine die (end the session) on March 23 and come back later for special session(s) focused on COVID19 public health and economic issues. Others– mostly Republicans– wanted to stay in session and … Read more

Arizona House HHS online meeting

#COVID19: Should Grandma ‘Take One for the Team’? (video)

The House Health and Human Services Committee met on Thursday, May 14, to hear testimony from several California experts on opening up Arizona’s economy. The two primary presenters were scientists whose recent research shows that COVID19 infection in the population could be much more widespread in the population than we had thought and that the virus has been in … Read more