The Biden/Harris Campaign Releases Two New Ads on Project 2025 and Black Women’s Health Care

During and after the Trump Bund Rally on the last night of the MAGA love fest masquerading as the Republican National Convention, the Biden/Harris Campaign released two ads reminding voters what a Trump/Vance Administration would mean to American Society and Democracy, especially Black Women’s health care. The first ad called “Look Up Project 2025” asks … Read more

On the Last Day of the RNC, A Bipartisan Group of Arizona Biden/Harris Supporters Condemn the Trump/Vance Ticket and Project 2025

That appearance of party unity at the Republican National Convention this week. Not so fast says a bipartisan group of Biden/Harris supporters headlined by John McCain confidant Wes Gullett at a campaign event at the Biden for Arizona Tempe Campaign headquarters. It should be noted that several noted Republicans did not make the pilgrimage to … Read more

If the Trump/Vance Handmaids Tale Ticket Wins, Girls Like Hadley Duvall Will be Forced to Remain Pregnant After Being Raped

The Biden/Harris Campaign, through a couple of social media posts, is reminding people across the country that if the Trump/Vance Handmaids Tale Ticket wins this November, rape victims, including those who are minors, will be forced to remain in their pregnancies full term. The two Biden/Harris ads center around Hadley Duvall, a young woman who … Read more

In a Back to the 1950s Alt-Reality Parody Ad, The Lincoln Project Goes After MAGA and Project 2025 in “Convention”

In one of the better ads of this campaign season, the Lincoln Project has released “Convention,” an alt-reality parody of a 1950s commercial that skillfully showcases how Project 2025 would be bad for everyone in this country who is not a White Evangelical Christian Nationalist Male. The narrator, acting like someone selling appliances in the … Read more

President Biden Calls for “Lowering the Temperature” in an Oval Office Address Following the Attempted Assassination on Trump

Behind his desk in the Oval Office, President Joe Biden called on all Americans to “Lower the temperature in our politics” following the attempted assassination on Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally yesterday (July 14, 2024.) In his remarks, the President struck all the right notes in conveying the need to unite, saying: “When we … Read more