Giffords votes for cap and trade. Now, health care?

by David SafierI got a news release from Giffords trumpeting her Yes vote on the energy bill that just passed the house. A good vote, but not a surprise. Energy is Giffords' signature issue. But her position on health care legislation is still up in the air. Mike Bryan took apart the hybrid health care … Read more

Where does Giffords stand on the public option?

by David SafierThis is probably our one shot during Obama's administration to pass health care legislation. We have to do it now, and we have to do it right. I'm a single payer guy myself, but I'm realistic enough to know that's not going to happen. So I want a strong, solid public option — … Read more

Not a rhetorical question

by David SafierThis morning's Star has an article, Medical tourism keeps growing, about people going to other countries to get medical treatment. The main example is of someone who got a hip replacement for $20,000 in New Zealand — in Aukland, at a private hospital. The cost included travel and lodging. According to the article, … Read more

First ed stim money concerns, now health care

by David SafierYesterday I posted that a billion worth of fed stim money may be in jeopardy because of the sweeps of education funding written into the Republican budget — you know, the one they passed, then said, "We didn't really mean it, Guv. We'll hold onto this one. Let's do lunch, OK?" Now it's … Read more