White House Redefines “Failing School”

by David Safier Let’s check in and see how Bush’s War on Public Education is going. Based on the news that the White House has begun scaling back the rules on No Child Left Behind, I’m going to guess, it isn’t going much better than Bush’s War on Terrorism. Here’s a little history, if you … Read more

282 Jobs Eliminated from Tucson Schools?

by David Safier (TASL) No matter how you slice and dice the number, the possibility of cutting 282 positions from TUSD is terrible news. This isn’t about trimming fat. It’s about cutting into the live tissue and muscle of the school district. The final number of cuts probably won’t be that high. Typically, a District … Read more

New Federal Report on Teaching Math: Comments by Sheila Tobias

(Note: Sheila Tobias is an expert in the area of math education. Her comments are regarding a report from the National Mathematics Advisory Panel. The report recommends a balance of teacher-directed instruction (teaching of skills, drills) and child-centered instruction (exploration, conceptual understanding). It emphasizes that each grade should teach fewer math concepts in greater depth, … Read more

ELL Whistleblower in Florence Fired

by David Safier It takes guts to be a whistleblower. The more stories you read about retaliation by their superiors and the disruptions in their lives, the more you have to admire these people’s courage at the same time you question their sanity. In this case, the former ELL coordinator in Florence (about 50 miles … Read more