“My favorite raza, the human raza”

by David Safier I loved the line Richard Elias opened with when he spoke at the Rally against SB 1070 at Grijalva's campaign office this morning. Elias looked out over the crowd, grinned and said, "My favorite raza, the human raza." I don't know, maybe Elias uses the line all the time, but I hadn't … Read more

Grijalva’s Tucson, Yuma offices closed due to threats

by David Safier Some folks are upset enough about Grijalva's stand against Arizona's anti-immigration bill that, according to the Star, one person called “who threatened to go down there and blow everyone’s brains out then go to the border to shoot Mexicans.” The offices received "multiple death threats and threats of violence." Grijalva staffer Ruben … Read more

Russell Pearce takes no religious or political prisoners

by David Safier If you're Russell Pearce and Cardinal Roger Mahony says your anti-immigration bill is "the country's most retrogressive, mean-spirited, and useless anti-immigrant law," how do you respond? [Pearce called] the Roman Catholic leader a "guy who's been protecting child molesters and predators all of his life." "He's the last guy that ought to … Read more