A Progressive Immigration Policy

Progressives have been reactive in the face of the immigration debate for too long. One of my favorite blogger/journalists, Dave Neiwert of Orcinus, is planning to attempt to articulate a clear and powerful statement of a progressive position on immigration. I think that’s a fine idea and I plan to keep an ear to ground … Read more

Anchors Aweigh!

I don’t much care for the term ‘anchor baby’. I find it offensive and pejorative. It means a child born in the United States to a couple who are not U.S. citizens who receives U.S. citizenship as a birthright. Many in the immigration scaremonger faction consider ‘anchor babies’ to be a problem that we need … Read more

Democrats falling for STRIVE

It is disheartening that all the energy around immigration reform seems to have been sucked up by the deceptive STRIVE Act. Those who should be leading the fight for humane solutions to our immigration problems with Mexico, such as Senator John McCain, and Representatives Raul Grijalva and Gabby Giffords are lining up behind Rep. Jeff … Read more

Benny Hill on ICE

A bit of video is stirring up a little controversy on YouTube. A dash cam video of a Border Patrol stop of a vehicle carrying a whole lot of, presumably, undocumented immigrants is set to the Benny Hill theme song. Of course, mocking such a serious issue in this way has a lot of panties … Read more

Prop 200 Suppressing Minority Voting

I’ve long argued that the main point of Protect Arizona Now! (aka Prop 200) is really not to prevent voter fraud (as there really is no such thing as individual vote fraud anymore – much easier and effective to just reprogram the tabulators), but to suppress the electoral participation of legally eligible minority voters. Well, … Read more