Senate Progress on Immigration Compromise

I got a very interesting mailing from the Democratic Party’s National Immigration Forum and Dean’s new outreach center, the American Majority Partnership, the other day. I reproduce it here entirely. It outlines the amendments to the Senate compromise that have been offered, those under consideration, and those likely to be considered in the near future.

Chairman Dean has made our position on immigration reform clear: We
support comprehensive immigration reform that strengthens our borders,
protects U.S. workers and their wages, reunites families, and allows
those who pay taxes and obey the law to earn the opportunity to apply
for the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.

These are the right policies and the right values. Democrats may not be polling with a majorities on every single issue we support on immigration, but we are standing for what’s right and principled, and that is more important to building an enduring consensus of principle, than to tack with every gust of the political winds.


“I will blow your freaking heads off…”

I was rather surprised to see this press release from Roy Warden, the anti-immigrant provocateur who burnt a Mexican flag in the middle of a pro-immigration rally in Tucson. The first surprise was the risable charges against Pima County officials of illegal-alien smuggling and (I can’t help but chuckle as I type) formenting civil war. … Read more

Immigration Compromise on the Horizon?

As Bush contemplates deploying up to 10K National Guard troops  to the Mexican border, the Sentate seems to have settled upon a compromise that could open a path to permanent legal status for millions of undocumented immigrants. Of course, there remains a vast gulf between the likely Senate bill and the Sensenbrenner bill passed earlier … Read more

Spanish National Anthem Translation: Nuestro Himno

There is a lot of controversy over a new Spanish version of the National Anthem. Considering that there are no less than four different versions of a Spanish language anthem on the State Department’s website, it seems contrived for some people to try to exploit the creation of a fifth as political issue. Nor is … Read more