Gorman: Beware of the “entitlement class.” And “chocolate soldiers”

by David Safier
This is a must read. Senate Majority Whip Pam Gorman lets fly on the Fox Forum.

Gorman says she's worried because we've created an entitlement class of fat, lazy people who live happily live off the sweat of other people's brows.

Today, as we find ourselves in the worst economic downturn in state history, people are worried.  I’m worried too.  We’re faced with the reality that government has created a dependent class of people.

That growing class has become accustomed to receiving ever increasing amounts of taxpayer dollars, regardless of the taxpayers’ ability to pay.  The entitlement class is scared, motivated, and loud.  And, they have a lot of time on their hands while most of us are at work.

Like families across the state, government has to live within its means.  It should be simple for those of us who believe that government has grown too big and spends too much of other people’s money.  Still, it’s not easy to deliver the bad news to those who are dependent upon taxpayers.  It’s like telling Fat Albert he’s got to go on a diet.  No one wants to deliver the message, but deep down you know it might save Fat Albert’s life.  We are making difficult, but responsible choices – choices that honestly can some days break your heart.  But, that’s what we were elected to do. [bold face added]

Poor Pam. Her heart is breaking as she fights the good fight to put the fat, loud, lazy entitlement class on a diet.

But Gorman puts aside her own anguish long enough to reach out to those who are really hurting: the "struggling producer class."

When government cuts taxes, jobs are created –- jobs that help the single mom go from unemployed to employed, jobs that help the working poor step up into the middle-class, and jobs that help the middle class start to save for retirement and their children’s education.  When taxes are increased, we see the opposite effect.  This effect is magnified during an economic downturn, so raising taxes now is simply dangerous and misguided.  And make no mistake, this tax increase is to be applied directly on Arizona working families and employers, who are the very producers that we need to pull us out of this economic malaise.

I am worried that the heat being applied by the entitlement class is melting the chocolate resolve of self-identified conservatives who are forgetting the interests of this struggling producer class.  The producer class voted for an army of conservative soldiers to keep taxes down, limit the size of government and protect their individual liberty.  They are counting on our conservative soldiers now, when the heat is on.  Conservatives who want to see government spending cut –- rather than taxes increased –- must do more than speak up, they must stand strong.  Now is no  time to discover we elected an army of chocolate soldiers!

I'm trying to remember, don't conservatives say it's the liberals who engage in class warfare?

I left out Gorman's definition of chocolate soldiers. They're the people who say all the right things entering the battlefield, then melt in the heat of battle. Stand strong, conservative soldiers! Stand strong and proud!