Having Twelve Candidates on the Same Stage is Ludicrous.

Do you want to hear in-depth policy discussions among the leading Democratic Presidential Candidates when they meet again in Columbus, Ohio on October 15?

Of course, you do?

Are you going to get it?

No, because the Democratic National Committee, in its infinite wisdom, has decided that 12 candidates (with Tulsi Gabbard and Tom Steyer qualifying) will share the stage on one evening.

Having ten candidates on a stage was problematic enough.

Having 12 is ludicrous.

The solution is obvious.

Spread the debate over two evenings.

Some may say another solution would be to reduce the number of candidates on the stage.

That may be counterproductive this early in the process.

People need to remember that historically speaking candidates like Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Michael Dukakis, John Kerry, or Barack Obama were not considered the favorites to land the nomination at this time in their respective races.

Even if Chairperson Tom Perez and his team have to adjust the rules to let people like Steve Bullock and Michael Bennet in the debates, it would be better to have two nights with six or seven candidates discussing the issues in greater depth than the glorified sound bite fest disaster that everyone is going to see on October 15.

The American People deserve to see the candidates probed and their positions scrutinized more than just letting the contenders get away with regurgitating prepared one to two-minute responses memorized on q cards.

Having 12 people on the stage will not give all the information primary voters need to help make informed decisions on who the best Democratic nominee should be.

The DNC should reconsider its decision to put all the candidates on the stage in one night for the good of the country.

Spread the debate over two nights.


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