In a Recent Lincoln Project Ad, California Governor Newsom Beats Back MAGA Hannity and Shows How to Tout President Joe Biden

Democrats in Arizona and across the country would be well advised to watch this recent Lincoln Project Ad, titled “When Dems Fight,” where California Governor (and probable 2028 Presidential contender) Gavin Newsom totally beat back questions from Fox’s leading MAGA and Trumpists enabler Sean Hannity attacking the record of the Biden/Harris Administration.

Starting off with a caption stating “Some People Say Democrats Can’t Fight…We Disagree,” the California Governor is shown immediately pouncing on MAGA Hannity’s assertion that the Biden/Harris Administration is a failure, noting the bipartisan passage of the CHIPs and Science Act, the Infrastructure Law, Raising the Debt Ceiling, and Gun Safety legislation, saying they “are real results. I’m rooting for our President’s bipartisan results. Real results. Job Programs. Your President, Donald Trump lost 2.6 million jobs during his four years. We’ve created 13.1 million. Biden’s created more jobs, six times more jobs than the three previous Republican Presidents combined.”

To be fair, the Trump Job Contraction and the Biden Job Boom were, in part shaped by the reaction 9including the poor steps taken by the last administration and the pro-science ones taken by the current one) to the Coronavirus Pandemic and people resuming their lives afterward.

When MAGA Hannity pointed out that two-thirds of Americans lived paycheck to paycheck, Newsom countered “It was 70 percent under Trump but let’s talk about inflation. It’s down 40 percent since last summer, ten (now 11) months in a row.”

When MAGA Hannity questioned Biden’s cognitive ability, Newsom responded “I have conversations with him all the time, yes. I think he’s (unlike his twice indicted, twice impeached, twice KKK endorsed, and found liable for sexual assault Liar in Chief predecessor,)  a man of decency and character, I’m really proud of the President. I’m proud of what he’s accomplished.”

When MAGA Hannity asked if President Biden was strong enough, the California Governor replied “Look what he  just did to McCarthy (during the debt ceiling talks.) I know he’s capable. I see results.”

Again, Democrats should follow Newsom’s example and run with it across the country when MAGA Trump Enabling Pundits recite their line of big lie questioning.






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1 thought on “In a Recent Lincoln Project Ad, California Governor Newsom Beats Back MAGA Hannity and Shows How to Tout President Joe Biden”

  1. Platitudes will not beat them. Newsom has the killer app in staff prep for this interview. Masterclass is right.

    Stick to counterpunching with facts and easily digestible statistics. Restate with an incredulous tone, pivot, and obliterate the argument with supporting data. They have nowhere to go.

    Facts beat MAGA bloviating anecdotal soundbites almost every time. Except on the street where MAGA acolytes are all, “I am not listening to you! I am not listening to you!” like a bunch of self replicating viral MAGA Axel Foleys …

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