Biden-Harris Campaign Reminds Arizona Voters that Trump Wants to “Terminate” their Health Care

Photo from MSNBC.

In the latest Biden/Harris Campaign Ad, called “Terminate,” the President and Vice President’s reelection team remind voters that there is yet another reason to be very afraid of a possible Trump return to the White House.

Mr. ‘I Killed Roe v Wade’ still wants to take away their health care if it comes through the Affordable Care Act (ACA.)

Trumps return would adversely affect close to 350,000 Arizonans currently enrolled in the ACA marketplaces.

The thirty second piece stresses that it has been the Biden/Harris Administration that has protected, strengthened, and expanded the ACA.

The ad starts off with a recording of Mr. Trump on television saying “Obamacare is a disaster. We want to terminate it.”

The ad then pivots to the President speaking in his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania saying “That would mean over 100 million Americans will lose protections for preexisting conditions.”

With video clips of Mr. Biden mingling with voters, a narrator recounts:

“President Biden has protected the Affordable Care Act and lowered health care costs for millions by $800 a year. Now, he’ll make those savings permanent.”

The ad closes by quoting the President saying “Health care should be a basic right. Folks, he’s coming for your health care, and we’re not going to let it happen.”

Commenting for Biden for Arizona, Democratic coordinated campaign manager Sean McEnerney stated:

“During his first term, Donald Trump was just one vote away from repealing the Affordable Care Act, which more than 1 million Arizonans rely on to access health care. Now, Trump is campaigning on a threat to take away health care from the folks who need it the most, like seniors, and jeopardize protections for people with preexisting conditions. This November, Arizonans will send a clear message to Trump: hands off our health care.”

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