Jim Kolbe: “I’ve never endorsed a Democrat for high office before . . .”

by David Safier

Never is a very long time. Jim Kolbe is endorsing Andre Cherny's candidacy, his first endorsement of a Dem for high office. In fact, he's chair of Cherny's campaign.

So many prominent moderate Republicans endorsing Democrats. So much concern among thoughtful Republicans about the state of the AZ GOP. So little time before the election.

I've never endorsed a Democrat for high office before, but I've been proud to not only support Andrei Cherny for State Treasurer, but to serve as the chair of his campaign.  I know he can bring more fiscal responsibility to Arizona government by using audits to go after waste and top-down bureaucracy.  And he'll be a leader who's more interested in getting things done than scoring political points.  He'll put principle ahead of partisanship because that's what he's done before.

Tomorrow, Andrei is starting a 24-hour non-stop campaign swing that will take him to every county in the state.  Imagine what this kind of energy and hard work could accomplish in government!

As a former Republican congressman, I’ve taken my share of heat for crossing party lines and chairing Andrei’s campaign.  I know Andrei has too for asking me.  But it’s crucial we get past the partisan trench warfare that has held us back.  Will you help us make this happen?  We’re less than 3 days away from Election Day and this is a very close campaign.  Will you make a contribution today so Andrei can get his message out in this important last weekend of campaigning?

Andrei and I won’t agree on every issue, but I have a lot of respect for his leadership and vision. And I know that he’s the best person for this job.

We aren't going to fix problems if we don't have leaders that will cross party lines.  And we won't have those leaders if we don't support and help the candidates who are willing to break out of the partisan strongholds.  By asking me to chair his campaign, Andrei has shown he's ready to do that.  I hope you'll lend a helping hand to our efforts today.

Jim Kolbe
Chair of Andrei for Arizona