More momentum for the public option

by David Safier
Yesterday I took Rep. Giffords to task for waffling on the topic of the public option in health care reform. Her position (lack of a position?) is becoming lonelier, and less tenable, by the minute.

Today's Star editorial comes out for the public option in no uncertain terms.

A public option is necessary. People whose employers do not offer health coverage need a way to purchase affordable, quality insurance that will allow them to see doctors for preventive care and when they fall ill.

A public option is not synonymous with a single-payer plan. A public plan can compete with private insurers and the competition can bring prices down for everyone. Lawmakers should not trade away this component of improvement in hopes that the insurance industry will reform itself.

Congrats to the Star. Put another paper in the public option camp.

Blanche Lincoln, a Democratic senator from Arkansas — Arkansas! — has shifted her position from unclear to "almost yes" on the public option. This is from an op ed she wrote in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

Health care reform must build upon what works and improve inefficiencies. Individuals should be able to choose from a range of quality health insurance plans. Options should include private plans as well as a quality, affordable public plan or non-profit plan that can accomplish the same goals as those of a public plan.

[Note: My sources for this excerpt are a number of liberal blogs. The actual op ed, they say, is subscription only, so I can't check it out in the paper itself.]

I'm still hoping to hear a more definitive statement from the Giffords camp soon.

Meanwhile, for those of you who want to participate in what promises to be a well attended, full throated endorsement of a public option as an acceptable compromise for those of us who prefer single payer, go to Grijalva's health care rally this Saturday, July 11, 11:30 am (doors open at 11) at the Tucson Convention Center, North Exhibition Hall, 260 S. Church Ave. Grijalva is leading the charge, and he deserves our physical and vocal support.

If you want to get a health care message to Giffords, the phone number of Giffords' local office is (520) 881-3588. You can email her here.

UPDATE: Anyone who wants to let Kyl and McCain know they should support a public option, today, Thursday, you can walk to McCain's office and Kyl's office in separate rallies:

1ST  RALLY: McCain – Thursday July 9 –  11:30 – 12:30 Start at Church and Congress, Walk west to Sen. McCain,  407 W. Congress.

2nd Rally: Senator Kyl – Thursday July 9 –  4:30p-5:30p  Meet at Safeway Shopping Center, SE corner Ina and Oracle, Walk to  Sen. Kyl’s 1/3 mi. south

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