Phoenix New Times names Blog for Arizona the “Best Democratic Blog” for 2015

From Phoenix New Times:


Blog for Arizona

“Unapologetically lefty, Blog for Arizona proudly wears its Democratic donkey on its banner, sings the praises of Obamacare, and incessantly is critical of Arizona’s Republican overlords. In other words, for this redder-than-red GOP state, Blog for Arizona is an outlier. That doesn’t make its team of progressive opinionators any less fierce. In fact, they regularly draw blood, whether it’s erstwhile Democratic Congressional candidate Bob Lord’s exposing former Republican schools’ superintendent John Huppenthal as anonymous blog commenter “Falcon 9,” or “Democratic Diva” Donna Gratehouse skewering the Rs over their attempts to restrict abortion rights for women. Like Gratehouse, some of these scribblers have their own blogs, but together they form a left-wing Wu Tang Clan, fighting a guerrilla war against a better-funded and far more populous enemy. They dream of a day when Arizona goes blue, or perhaps purple, though a lighter shade of pink may be the best they ever can hope for.

Carolyn’s note: Kudos to fellow bloggers Bob Lord and Donna Gratehouse for this mention.  Prolific writer/blogger Az Blue Meanie should have been mentioned too, but he’s probably still too anonymous.   We at Blog for Arizona proudly acknowledge this award  from the Phoenix New Times.

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12 thoughts on “Phoenix New Times names Blog for Arizona the “Best Democratic Blog” for 2015”

  1. Wow, thanks all for supportive comments — gives us Blog for AZ bloggers incentive to keep on blogging.

  2. Getting thoughtful, honest news is no simple chore in AZ. You guys are going great work.

    Well deserved recognition.

  3. Deserve every bit of this. Congratulations all!! Years ago, it was I that recommended this blog to the Washington Post for best blog in AZ….good news travels:)

    • Many thanks Cheri for the recommendation to the WP and for the recent praise. I’ve been on this blogsite only a year/half but some folks have been loyally blogging for us for years.

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