Navy Veteran Marla Closen to challenge Supervisor Ray Carroll in District 4



Marla Closen
Marla Closen


“Tired of potholes, increasing taxes and debt?  It is time for a new direction!

Marla Closen, who is running for District 4 Pima County Supervisor, believes we can do better. Marla, a Republican, is running to change the ineffective and stagnant policies the current Republican supports.  When questioned about challenging a decades – old incumbent she said, “I believe Pima County’s success depends upon decreasing debt and taxes, eliminating non-essential spending and prioritizing our spending on roads and county necessities, and implementing pro-business policies.  If I thought the current Supervisor – Ray Carroll – supported any of those principles, I would be voting for him, not running against him. “

Marla is living proof the combination of personal initiative, a fiscally conservative mindset and pro-business attitude equals success, and she intends to apply this formula to Pima County as Supervisor.  As a former small business owner and engineer, she knows how high taxes, over regulation, and even complicated and expensive zoning requirements can crush the dream of creating a small business.

When asked about her additional qualifications for improving Pima County, she said, “I owned a construction management business, so I know how to run a small business, and I know contracting and construction, procurement and project management.  I worked for the Department of Defense as an Intelligence Analyst, so I know the discipline of researching and connecting the dots until I find a solution. I was a Chief Intelligence Specialist and combat veteran in the Navy Reserve, so I know how to develop strategies that have to work, in an environment that does not allow failure.”

It is time. Time for Marla’s leadership and experience to provide the new direction Pima County needs.

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