Sun Link should offer one-way tickets

Sun Link modern streetcar, courtesy of Donovan Dean Durband
Sun Link modern streetcar, courtesy of Donovan Dean Durband

Now that the Sun Link modern streetcar has been operating for almost 4 months, I’m suggesting that some change is needed.  Operations started on July 25, 2014, with the first 3 days of riding for free.

People have been complaining of no one-way passes/tickets.  Not everyone who rides the 4 mile route needs a round trip one day (24 hour) pass, which costs $4 at the kiosks.

Offering one way passes at the Sun Link station kiosks would encourage ridership by people who would use it one way to get somewhere. Currently people who want a one way trip realize it costs $4, so they are opting out.  There is no option to buy a one-way pass at the kiosks.

A one-way ticket for $1.50 or $2 would be highly beneficial for students (who don’t usually have a lot of extra money), new riders, families.  I’ve ridden Sun Link a number of times and have encountered frustrated riders who desire one-way tickets. Even walkers in the All Souls Procession on Nov. 9 needed one-way tickets back to the 6th Avenue/6th Street start-up point, where many had left their cars/trucks/bikes.

Offering one-way passes may help families save some money. For example, a family of four on a day trip in town would have to pay $16 to ride both ways under the current system,  but with one-way passes would pay only $6 – $8,  then could choose to walk back to save some $.  AZ Daily Star columnist Tim Steller and his family encountered this problem just recently:

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