“Hystorical Narratives” art talk at Playground Bar & Lounge

UA Professor Alfred Quiroz
UA Professor Alfred J. Quiroz
 Show & Tell @ Playground: “Hystorical Narratives” 

Art & Commentary on Presidential Controversies
Presented by Alfred J. Quiroz on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 6 p.m.
A collaboration between the Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry
and The University of Arizona Museum of Art

 “UA Art professor Alfred J. Quiroz shows arts works that are not included in his current University of Arizona Museum of Art show and discusses his sensational, satirical and meticulously-researched paintings in an interactive Show & Tell @ Playground presentation.

 While “The Presidential Series: Paintings by Alfred J. Quiroz” exhibit features bright colors, caricaturesque qualities and sensational subject matter that seems humorous on the surface, the artist layers the paintings with historical references that comment on the many controversies surrounding the Commanders-in-Chief.

 “The work encompasses presidents that I have depicted that correlated to pertinent contemporary issues. My aim in this series was to depict the immoralities of our ‘elected’ leaders of this country,” explains Quiroz.


Museum Curator Olivia Miller, who brought the exhibit to the Museum, says “Quiroz’s paintings are overwhelming to see. Not only does their sheer size and brilliant use of color entrance the viewer, but they are also meticulously constructed and embedded with layer upon layer of complex symbolism.”

Quiroz’s work has been exhibited internationally and featured in publications such as Art in AmericaArtforum, and Art Week.

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