The Felon in Chief Has Pardoned the January 6 Domestic Terrorists

In a stinging rebuke to law and order, Donald Trump, the first convicted felon and first twice impeached person to be re-elected President issued a blanket pardon and several commutations to, what appears to be, all of the January 6 Domestic Terrorist/Insurrectionists who stormed the Nation’s Capitol at his behest, attacking law enforcement officers, and ransacking the House and Senate.

So much for the lies from Trump surrogates that said that he would only pardon the non violent ones.

But really, should anyone be surprised given this mans track record.

Below is the video of Trump signing the full pardons.

This is a dark and sad day in American History.

Trump called these people hostages.

While they may be charitably called willing dupes in Trump’s plan to overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential election, in the world of truth and decency, they are nothing more than domestic terrorists and insurrectionists, traitors to the country who deserve the punishment and prosecution they received.

As written in previous articles, if any Trump-allied individual offers the false equivalency of saying Mr. Trump is doing nothing more than what Joe Biden did when he pardoned his son or commuted the sentences of death row inmates to life imprisonment without a chance for parole or the pardons of public servants and family members on the MAGA hit list, tell them they are full of it.

None of those people tried to overthrow the Constitution and were only able to receive a get-out-of-jail-free card because the President who pardoned them was himself the criminal ringleader and mastermind who orchestrated the attempted coup.

The majority of the American People did not want this.

But did anyone really think Trump cared about what they think?

Again, this is a dark and sad day in American History.

Trump and Republicans have proved again that they are no longer the party of law and order.

For them, it is all about taking care of their MAGA tribe and screwing everyone else.

This is a slap in the face to all the Capitol Police who defended the Congress that day.

Still no plan to lower prices and make life better for the American People.

The President that cared about that left earlier today.

To the 77 million people that allowed this to happen when they voted last November, good job. They should not be proud of themselves for what they have done to the country.

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4 thoughts on “The Felon in Chief Has Pardoned the January 6 Domestic Terrorists”

  1. Beyond disgusting. I hope that one day they turn on him. The criminals are in charge now, I guess that is to be expected.

  2. Amid all the unnecessary, hurtful, and even illegal actions started or enacted today, the wholesale pardoning of the leaders and willing participants in the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol is the most hideous and objectionable of all. The Orange mauroder has thumbed his nose once more at the rule of law and public order. Thisnext few years will be a constant struggle to keep are democracy alive. This will be a testing time like no other since 1861. Buckle Up!

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