The Stable Genius said a Vaccine for the Coronavirus may not be Necessary and Testing is the reason there are so many COVID 19 Cases

Watch the video link below starting at about the two-minute mark. AZ Blue Meanie has already reported on part of this. The Stable Genius actually said that testing is overrated and the reason there are more Coronavirus cases in the country This is not made up.

This is insane. The President of the United States said testing is overrated because it actually tells how many people actually have the disease.


People need to know if they are sick or not. They need to know so they can get better and not spread it to family and friends.

What a Villiage Idiot.

When he also says countries leaders tell him they can not believe the job he is doing, they (if they are actually saying that) are probably not trying to be purposely flattering.

Today the Trump Administration, after a three-month delay announced the selection of Moncef Slaoui as the new Vaccine Tsar. Even during this event, the Mad King said a vaccine may not be necessary to fully reopen the country.

While there are cases in history (AIDS and Malaria for example) where vaccines were not or are not fully developed, it would be foolhardy for the Liar in Chief, someone who has peddled anti-vaccine dogma, to put that belief out there for his gullible science-denying Trump Zone-Fox Island-Disinfo War cult followers to absorb.

It is comments like these and acts that this President failed to take or took too long to institute that the medical journal Lancet put forth an editorial calling for its readers not to support Donald Trump in 2020.

In its commentary, they wrote:

“Americans must put a president in the White House come January 2021, who will understand that public health should not be guided by partisan politics.”

The country needs a President that will listen to science and make informed decisions to protect the American People.

It does not need a Demagogic Charaltan that is farting around and making things up hoping no one in his base will notice.

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Turn out and vote on November 3, 2020.

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Also, please remember to stay informed on all the candidates and vote for all the offices on the ballot.

Also, remember to research all the ballot initiatives, sign to get them on the ballot if you support the measure, and vote on them as well.

Remember Election Day is on November 3. 2020.


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