Unscrewed Theater to celebrate one year anniversary at new theater (photos)


It was a year ago on January 31, 2014 that the Not Burned Out Just Unscrewed theater troupe of hilarious improv comedians opened the doors for their new theater (and first home) at 3244 E. Speedway (east of Country Club, across from the Loft Theater).

I have reported on their fundraisers and their weekend shows, only $5 per person.  Some photos  below of recent shows, taken by NBOJU friend/freelance photographer Jon Scanlon:

Unsrewed Theater cast on stage
Unscrewed Theater cast on stage (L – R: Rick, Jon, Rob, Hilary, Billie, Scott )

Rob and Gretchen being spontaneous
Rob and Gretchen being spontaneous
Gail and Rick being funny
Gail being funny as Rick reflecfts
Jon and Scott sharing a serious moment
Jon and Scott sharing a serious moment
Gretchen with "hat of shame" placed on audience member who shouts out something uncensored
Gretchen with “hat of shame” placed on any audience member who shouts out something uncensored (during family friendly shows)


What's up, Hilary?
What’s up, Hilary? It’s party time.

More about these funny people performing improv comedy at:  http://www.unscrewedtheater.org/. They also have a very good FB page with updates  and contests:  www.facebook.com/unscrewedtheater, phone 520-289-8076.

Drop by their theater this weekend as they celebrate this 1st year anniversary.  Hope they have cake and one good luck  candle. And there will be great prizes and half off their UT merchandise.

Join in the fun with these funny people.