Wasting No Time, Arizona Democratic Senate Nominee Ruben Gallego Releases a New Ad Condemning Kari Lake’s Position on Reproductive Freedom

From KTAR News

It is official.

The 2024 Arizona Senate Contest to succeed Kyrsten Sinema is officially between Marine Vet and House Representative Ruben Gallego and Bat Sh-t Crazy MAGA Election-Denying Trump Loyalist and former broadcast journalist Kari Lake.

Representative Gallego is wasting no time in framing what is at stake in the election.

In a statement after receiving the nomination, he offered:

“In the 554 days since we launched this campaign, Arizonans in every corner of the state have made clear that they want a U.S. Senator who can bring people together to defend abortion rights, cut costs for families, protect our water future, and take care of our veterans — and that’s exactly what I intend to do. 

“From now until November, I welcome all Arizonans — Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike — to join our team and help defeat Kari Lake and her dangerous plan to ban abortion and hurt Arizonans.” 

This morning (July 31, 2024,) the Gallego for Arizona Campaign released its first ad, called “Take it From Her” of the General Election Campaign, attacking Lake’s position on reproductive freedom.

Please view it below.

Please read the script for the ad below:

Voiceover: “Kari Lake is lying about Ruben Gallego to distract you from her record on abortion.”

[Text on screen] Lake Ad Makes Misleading Claim About Gallego. FactCheck.org, 5/29/24

[Text on screen] Kari Lake Attacks Democratic Opponent With Deceitful, Inaccurate Ad. American Journal News, 4/30/24

Lake: “It’s not a choice that somebody gets to make [to take that life]. That’s not a medical choice.”

Lake: “I don’t think abortion pills should be legal.”

Lake: “It is not healthcare. It is the killing…it is the execution of a baby.”

Lake: “It’s really almost a genocide.”

Lake: “Arizona will not be a state where abortions are happening.”

[Text on screen] Kari Lake Wrong for Arizona.

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1 thought on “Wasting No Time, Arizona Democratic Senate Nominee Ruben Gallego Releases a New Ad Condemning Kari Lake’s Position on Reproductive Freedom”

  1. Kari is definitely WEIRD. She goes from being a pretty respected journalist and then falls down the Trump Cult reality black hole. Now she believes in every conspiracy theory out there and somehow still believes she won the Governor’s race in ’22. She is a total weirdo!

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