What is Paul Gosar Smoking or Drinking or Inhaling This Week

Following Arizona politics, it is sometimes hard to keep up with the wild, preposterous, and downright crazy statements and acts of some of the Grand Canyon states most “colorful” fringe and dangerous figures like Wendy Rogers, Mark Finchem, Andy Biggs, Debbie Lesko, and Paul Gosar.

This week it is Paul Gosar who probably gets the weekly award for the most unbalanced statements and proposals.

The Arizona Congressional District (CD) Four House Representative, not satisfied with the findings of the Cyber Ninja Audit (the one that showed Joe Biden winning Maricopa County by a larger margin than previously revealed,) called for a new Presidential election at the end of the year between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. 

What is Paul Gosar smoking or drinking or inhaling this week

Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of how Presidential elections are run knows there is not going to be a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in 2021.

Gosar is likely counting on the continued stupidity of the Know-Nothing branch of his party to support him in this latest dark fantasy.

Mr. Gosar, whose siblings want him out of Congress, has been continually spewing baseless lies and white nationalist propaganda since joining the House of Representatives. These journies into political unreality have, believe it or not, become progressively worse as he has advanced lies on voting by mail (a practice he has enjoyed participating in,) the November elections, and the January 6, 2021, Trumpist Domestic Terrorist Attack/Insurrection at the Nations Capitol.

The two Democrats running for the opportunity to politically retire Mr. Gosar in 2022 offered their perspectives on the CD Four Representatives’ recent bout with political lunacy.

Delina DiSanto, the 2020 Democratic Nominee against Gosar, posted on social media:

Judy Stahl commented:

“Gosar has lost touch with reality and has proven that he does not have Arizonans’ best interests at heart. The audit did nothing but create division and waste tax dollars that could have gone to serving Arizona families. He should be ashamed of his constant assault on the public’s trust in our democracy. When I am elected, I will represent Arizonans with integrity and put their needs first. We need someone who will prioritize our kids’ education, and water preservation. I am that person.”

Arizona Republicans like Paul Gosar are the political gifts for Democrats and political writers that keep on giving.

Democratic candidates in addition to DiSanto and Stahl would do well to create political ads showing figures like Gosar and how they have taken the former party of Lincoln to the alternate reality of the Trump Zone.




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2 thoughts on “What is Paul Gosar Smoking or Drinking or Inhaling This Week”

  1. Can we redo the 2000 election between Bush and Gore next?

    How about the 1983 NFC Championship game between Washington and San Francisco? Because that was a bad call on Eric Wright!

    What about Kramer vs. Kramer? Streep wins, then gives the kid to Hoffman anyway? WTF?

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