50th Anniversary of Mississippi Freedom Summer

This weekend marks the Mississippi Freedom Summer 50th Anniversary:

50LogoSquare_new_450In the summer of 1964, hundreds of summer volunteers from across America convened in Mississippi to put an end to the system of rigid segregation. The civil rights workers and the summer volunteers successfully challenged the denial by the state of Mississippi to keep Blacks from voting, getting a decent education, and holding elected offices.

As a result of the Freedom Summer of 1964, some of the barriers to voting have been eliminated and Mississippi has close to 1000 Black state and local elected officials. In fact, Mississippi has more Black elected officials than any other state in the union. While the Freedom Summer of ’64 made profound changes in the state of Mississippi and the country, much remains to be accomplished.

The Mississippi Freedom Summer 50th Anniversary Conference will convene in Jackson, Mississippi both to recognize the accomplishments of those who worked for changes to the politically segregated Mississippi and to discuss how to continue the struggle toward Mississippi reaching its full potential for all of its citizens.

The Jackson Clarion Ledger will provide coverage, Coming Sunday: Freedom Summer 50th Anniversary:

Fifty years ago, “Freedom Summer” organizers set out to change Mississippi. They wound up changing the nation, too.

Join us Sunday online and in print for complete coverage of the 50th anniversary of Freedom Summer.

For me, Mississippi Freedom Summer will always be a poignant reminder of all those who braved vicious racial hatred and physical abuse to register voters in the South, and those who gave their lives for your right to vote. Those Americans who say that they can’t be bothered to vote dishonor all those who risked their lives to give you that right, and those who gave all.
