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Stop Worrying About Polls & Just Pay Attention to the ‘Keys to White House’

Michael Bryan

Watch this interview with Allen Lichtman before reading: I don’t fully buy into Lichtman’s Keys theory, but it has proven a very effective predictive tool. We should pay attention to results. Polls this far out predict exactly NOTHING. The fundamental nature of such national races, however, does matter and does have predictive power. Lichtman is … Read more

Ruben Gallego and the Fight for Arizona

Tom Zoellner

Arizona has become an epicenter of political discord and conflict over issues that have roiled the national discourse. In the fall, the outrage over an abortion ban from 1864 and a potential ballot initiative on the issue are likely to motivate Democrats, and the outrage over chaos at the border is expected to motivate Republicans. … Read more

Trump Abandons Arizona….Again

Larry Bodine

Today, Trump has canceled his visit to Arizona, marking the third time he has done so in the two years since he was last here. When Trump ditched Arizona two months ago, Copper Courier reported the Trump campaign was choosing between state visits because of increasing financial strain due to Trump’s legal suits.  “If Trump wants to … Read more

Freedom over High Gas Prices Any Day of the Week; America Does Not Need to Become the Fourth Reich

David Gordon

Voters are understandably annoyed and troubled with inflationary spikes that have occurred during the economic recovery following the Trump/MAGA mishandling of the Coronavirus that froze the nation in many sectors four years ago. There apparently are some voters out there who would support Donald ‘Unified Reich’ Trump if it meant lower prices on products at … Read more

Democracy Warrior Gail Kamaras Inducted into Democratic Hall of Fame

Larry Bodine

Gail Kamaras of Tucson singlehandedly collected signatures for 250 petitions for the pro-choice AAA Initiative. An attorney and avid hiker, she loves setting up a colorful ironing board at a local library or farmer’s market to gather signatures on petitions or register new voters. Gail, a precinct committee person in Legislative District 18 in Tucson, was inducted … Read more

The AZGOP Has Become a Death-Spiraling Dumpster Fire: Their Fundraising is a Joke & #HariKari Lake is Their Future?!

Michael Bryan

It’s not just this liberal progressive blogger calling Kari Lake and the AZGOP a dumpster fire… #HariKari! ‘He just tells it like it is, folks!’ Conservatives with a reasonable eye on the bottom line of actually winning offices – rather than using primaries to just hunt so-called ‘RINOs’ (i.e. real conservatives who won’t go along … Read more

The Biden/Harris Administration Actually Delivers on Infrastructure Week after Week

David Gordon

Remember when the term ‘Infrastructure Week’ was a joke during the Trump/Pence years because the supposed ‘Great Builder’ could not get a Congress under his party’s control to pass an Infrastructure Law. They were more concerned with passing tax cuts for the rich, attempting to take away health care from millions, and confirming Supreme Court … Read more

Extra! Extra! Where Americans Get Their News in 2024

Larry Bodine

More Americans are getting their local news online, while fewer are turning to television or print, according to the Pew Research Center. More Americans are getting news on TikTok In just three years, the share of U.S. adults who say they regularly get news from TikTok has more than quadrupled, from 3% in 2020 to 14% … Read more

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