Americans support a pathway to citizenship in immigration reform – the Tea-Publican Congress stands in the way

Image: Latinos protest in favor of comprehensive immigration reform while on West side of Capitol Hill in WashingtonIn a new poll published by the Pew Research Center, nearly three-quarters of Americans say they support a pathway to legal status for undocumented immigrants, including a majority of Republican respondents.

So why hasn’t Congress enacted comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship? Because Tea-Publicans in Congress — aka the Mass Deportation Party — stand alone in opposition to immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship. Poll Finds Big Support for Pathway to Citizenship:

[N]early three-quarters of Americans say they support a pathway to legal status for undocumented immigrants, according to a poll published Thursday by the Pew Research Center.

In the survey, 72 percent of Americans said immigrants here illegally should be allowed to stay if they meet some requirements, results that have varied little over the last two years. They included 42 percent of Americans who say those immigrants should be allowed to become citizens and 26 percent who say they should only become permanent residents.

Among Republicans, a majority of those questioned — 56 percent — supports a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants. Republicans are generally critical of their party’s performance on illegal immigration, with 59 percent saying the party is not doing a good job representing their views on how to deal with illegal immigration.

Despite Republican support, the GOP clown car of presidential wannabes is moving far to the right to appease the nativists and racists of the Mass Deportation Party who predominate in GOP primaries (who are not the majority of Republican respondents in this poll).

In Congress and among the large field of presidential contenders, many Republicans have moved right on the issue, rejecting legalization and calling for tougher enforcement and border security.

According to the Pew poll, a majority of Americans — 58 percent — reject the idea that allowing undocumented immigrants to gain legal status is rewarding them for “doing something wrong.”

Among Hispanics, a fast-growing electorate that candidates from both parties are courting, 86 percent say there should be a path to legal status, with 54 percent of Hispanics saying undocumented immigrants should be allowed to become citizens.

Democrats also overwhelmingly support legal status, with 80 percent saying those immigrants should be allowed to stay if they meet requirements.

As always, Tea-Publicans obstruct and prevent anything from getting done in Congress, and they are in court suing the tyrannical dictator President Obama for having acted by executive orders on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA).  But who do woefully ignorant Americans blame for the lack of progress on comprehensive immigration reform in this poll? That’s right, President Obama. He’s “damned if you do, damned if you don’t.” The real culprits somehow always escape being held accountable for their obstruction. Never underestimate the stupidity of Americans.

President Obama’s ratings have plunged on immigration, with 56 percent of Americans in the survey saying they disapprove of his handling of the issue and 37 percent saying they approve. Hispanics, who have long supported the president, are now evenly divided, with 48 percent disapproving of his performance and 44 percent approving.

In November, Mr. Obama announced that he would give protection from deportation and work permits to more than four million undocumented immigrants. Texas and 25 other states brought a lawsuit to stop the programs, blocking them in the federal courts.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear the merits case argument of the case brought by 26 states — Red States —  beginning on July 6. It will be headed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

1 thought on “Americans support a pathway to citizenship in immigration reform – the Tea-Publican Congress stands in the way”

  1. The chamber of commerce has the most to lose with the white conservative republican rule ending. That is why they want to cut a deal on immigration to save themselves. No deal unless they do as Malcolm X said neutering of racists republicans “by any means necessary!”

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