David Fitzsimmons is the only one who “gets it” at the Arizona Daily Star

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

Funny column from Fitz today. Ask for your candidate's birth certificate – and ID:

The evening of [Jan Brewer's] victory bash she claimed to have found a headless illegal immigrant under the podium. The horrified crowd applauded – and was energized.


And this line: 

[Jonathan] Paton will be invited to address the students of Tucson High at a school-wide assembly this fall. His theme: "Republicans don't hate Latinos. They hate me." Latina activist Dolores Huerta will be on hand to offer counseling to the crestfallen Paton. "I have experience coping with bullies," she said.

And this line:

Jesse Kelly beat Jonathan Paton. According to one group of Kelly supporters the reason is clear: because the Teapublicans felt Paton just wasn't far enough to the right. And the Taliban are "just too moderate."


Kelly wants to get rid of Social Security. Senior citizen Edna Gibbons said, "That's an idea that will go over bigger in Green Valley than a Death Metal concert. Send him my way. Talk to the cane."