Giffords to vote Yes on budget

by David Safier
I just got a call from Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (I won't pretend this happens all the time. It's a first). She let me know that the House vote on the budget comes up in about an hour (that would be 4pm our time), and she's voting Yes.

Giffords is very careful when it comes to voting for spending, so this is a show of support for Obama's agenda.

Giffords gave me lots of reasons she's supporting the budget, which I scribbled down as quickly and accurately as I could. Here are a few.

She says the budget she's voting for trims Obama's budget request by $7 billion. She's pleased with the money going to veteran's health care. There are guarantees that the size of the health care reserve fund doesn't increase the deficit, yet will help move Obama's health care reform efforts forward. There's increased funding for early childhood education and Pell Grants, as well as renewable energy.

We'll be getting more details soon, from the usual MSM sources.

UPDATE: I just received a News Release from Rep. Harry Mitchell saying he was one of 20 Democrats to vote against the budget. I know Mitchell is in a tough district, and I'm sure he's aware that history suggests Dems will lose some seats in 2010 (With Ds running the White House, the House and the Senate, people tend to vote for balance). But this is getting a bit silly.

The main reason Mitchell gives for voting No is, "the measure does not extend key tax cuts." The "key tax cuts" he's talking about are Bush's cuts in the capital gains and estate taxes, both set to expire.