Rubio won the debate, I guess

I watched the whole GOP debate Wednesday night, twice, and truly wasn’t impressed by anyone on the stage, including the moderators, but the general consensus was that Marco Rubio won, for some reason. Robby Van Winkle, AKA Vanilla Ice, thinks so.

(Warning: Linked videos autoplay.)

What I heard was Rubio whining about the media, whining how difficult it has been for him to recover from a poor childhood and student loans and manage his current finances despite an income of nearly $200K a year and a $1 million book deal, whining about how expensive it is to send his children to religious private schools, and whining that Jeb! and the Sun Sentinel were unfairly criticizing him for missing many Senate votes while openly stating that he hates being a Senator and you should just elect him President now, please, because John McCain missed votes too eight years ago.

It was a truly Presidential-level performance, for the caliber of GOP candidates on offer for the 2016 election, I guess. Eyeroll.

2 thoughts on “Rubio won the debate, I guess”

  1. I was surprised how unanimous the mainstream media was last night with their post-debate opinions: Jeb lost, Rubio won. As you say, “eyeroll”. I finally turned off Rachel Maddow because it was all Jeb.

  2. hillary clinton won the debate not glass of water. that is why bush and kasich are upset as the donor class bails as they see clinton winning the presidency. they will have to cut a deal with the clintons.

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