(UPDATED) The First Step Toward Uniting and Healing the Nation: Throwing All the Coup Plotters Out of Public Service

Now House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy calls for uniting. After enabling and joining with about 140 of his fellow Trumpists (including his number two Steve Scalise and all members of the Arizona “Republican” Delegation) in contesting the Electoral College votes on Biden won states with no factual evidence to substantiate their objections, the California Representative … Read more

Right wing blame for everything but guns for mass gun murders has an appalling subtext

Crossposted from DemocraticDiva.com

Bobby Jindal

Legitimate candidate saying perfectly reasonable things, in a news studio

Since last week’s massacre at a community in Oregon, right wing pundits and GOP Presidential candidates have been out in full force explaining why it happened. Naturally, “too easy availability of guns” does not figure as a cause in these all too frequent heinous acts of violence by wielders of guns in their explanations. Rather, they are attributed, coincidentally, to the very things in modern society that just so happen to provoke conservative ire. Lou Dobbs points to a direct line from decline in school prayer to school shootings. Mike Huckabee blames “sin” (nothing specific but we’ve heard enough of his thoughts on everything from swear words to Beyonce to catch his drift). Bobby Jindal cast a wide net of culpability in a screed on his Presidential campaign site railing against, as you might guess, “cultural decay”:

I’m going to start today by venting, and I will warn you in advance that this is going to be a sermon, but someone needs to speak the truth for a change:

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