When can the media be held accountable for incitement to riot?

For weeks now, the cable media have been airing reports about the “explosion of violence” and potential for “riots” in Ferguson, Missouri “expected” with the release of the grand jury decision.

Cable media is writing the script for what they want to see happen in order to boost their cable ratings. The print media has been just as complicit. Media outlets descend on Ferguson as decision looms.

If a grand jury decision is announced, and the media are not present to stoke a riot, would anything newsworthy happen? I doubt it. It is the very presence of the media and their incitement to riot that gives rise to the occasion for violence. In our narcissistic society where people live their lives out loud on social media, there are those individuals who want their 15 minutes of fame on the TV for all the world to see.

When can the media be charged with incitement to riot, and to be held accountable for stoking violence to boost their cable ratings and to sell more advertising?  They are not covering a news story, they are scripting one for financial profit. That should be a crime.


1 thought on “When can the media be held accountable for incitement to riot?”

  1. That is the media job comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. This makes the white power structure behave themselves which is the medias job!

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