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A Steve Gall school recess update

David Safier

by David SafierSteve Gall tells me there's new life in a school recess amendment.An amendment to HB2725 Education Omnibus Bill that states all school districts and charter school boards have to provide open hearings on their organized recess policies for elementary schools. This will come before the Senate Education Committee on Weds., April 7.  If … Read more

Nope, no prods to violence from the right wing

David Safier

by David SafierThis is too incredible to be believed. Sean Hannity called the tea party movement "Tim McVeigh wannabes." He meant it as a compliment. And the crowd cheered. Here's the transcript, but you really have to hear it for yourself:HANNITY: See, can I add one thing? I think we won the debate.DREIER: We did … Read more

Antenori gives new meaning to the term “nuclear option”

David Safier

by David SafierAntenori stands strong for the God-given right of Arizonans to use old style light bulbs. And build their own nuclear bombs.See, there's this terrible federal bill that says by 2014, all light bulbs must meet efficiency standards higher than what you get from the old incandescent bulbs.Damn Obama for signing what Antenori calls … Read more

A phone call with Bobbie Jo Buel at the Star

David Safier

by David SafierMy wife Joan called the Star's Executive Editor, Bobbie Jo Buel, a few minutes ago. It wasn't my idea. It was hers. What I posted on BfA regarding the Star's misleading headline in this morning's paper (here and here), along with similar posts I've written in the past, angered Joan enough that she … Read more

Star headline worse than heads used by Moon, Murdoch, Fox

David Safier

by David SafierJust how bad is the Star's Creative Headline Writer's abomination in today's paper? Worse than any headline I found on the same AP story from Moon, Murdoch or Fox.Earlier this morning I wrote about the headline the Star created for today's AP story:Why seniors say Obamacare is bad medicine for themThe Star is … Read more

April Fool’s Day political satire

AZ BlueMeanie

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: The Tucson Weekly's cover story for its April 1, 2010 edition — April Fool's Day — is a brilliant piece of political satire parodying the Republican majority of the Arizona Legislature. It rings all too true. It's about a "Mythic" corporation that will take over the state of Arizona. "Sen. Randy "Hoof" … Read more

Star bases anti-Obama, anti-HCR headline on GOP, Tea Party sources

David Safier

by David SafierUnbelievable. The Star created a headline by using GOP talking points and a phrase that comes from signs carried at Tea Party rallies.First, let's look at the headline most papers used for today's AP story:Seniors fear health care remake will hurt MedicareThen there are variations that sound like this:Seniors are anxious about Medicare … Read more

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