A Good Night for Democrats and Schools in Arizona and Across the Country.

It was a good night for Democrats on November 5, 2019.

The Virginia State Legislature has shifted back to Democratic control for the first time in a quarter-century.

Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear, despite an election-eve Trump, attended rally, appears to have defeated unpopular extreme reactionary Mark Bevin for the Governorship. Republicans did prevail in elections for the other state offices.

In Mississippi, while the Democratic candidate Jim Hood lost the race for Governor, the margin of the loss (five points) was an improvement over 2015 when the Democratic candidate lost by 34 points.

Tucson Mayor-Elect Regina Romero Photo from NBC

The first Latina Mayor, Regina Romero was elected in Tuscon.

In Arizona, most of the 50 school bonds and override measures appear to have passed, meaning children and educators will be getting much-needed assistance in the state’s public schools.

In what appears to be a rejection of extreme conservative reactionary policies and Trumpism (especially in the suburbs,) Democrats made great strides in advancing pragmatic progressive candidates and causes.

The apparent Beshear win in Kentucky should be giving Political Prince of Darkness, Obstructionist in Chief, and  Enemy of the People Moscow Mitch McConnell some pause. Whomever the Democrats nominate to run against him in the 2020 Kentucky Senate race has a way to win roadmap to follow.

The 2020 Election is 363 days away. There is a lot of work to do for Democrats and Progressive organizations to do in order to continue the electoral trends from the 2017, 2018, and 2019 cycles.

The work continues.

Featured Image from CNN

1 thought on “A Good Night for Democrats and Schools in Arizona and Across the Country.”

  1. The irony in this State is that we need sanctuary for guns, because they are so put upon, but for humans threatened by violence and disorder, we cant have sanctuary, because the hypocrites in the State legislative majority threaten local governments for thinking for themselves.

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