A voucher by any other name would smell . . .

by David Safier

Voters in a number of states have been asked to OK vouchers. Never — not once — have they agreed. The last voucher referendum I know of — 2007, in Utah of all places — was voted down by 62%. Considering that was in conservative Utah, that's huge. Polls say people don't like vouchers. Never have.

But how do people feel about "educational savings accounts"?

That's the term they're using in Florida to try and sneak vouchers in without anyone noticing. But people have noticed.

Florida had a voucher plan declared unconstitutional in 2006, though, for some reason, vouchers for low-income and disabled students were left in place.

The new proposal, which they think might pass constitutional muster, is to deposit $6,843 in each student's "educational savings account," which can be spent at the school of the family's choice — traditional public, charter public or private/religious. In other words, it's a voucher system.

G.I.'s Matthew Ladner, needless to say, is beside himself with joy over this, as is his good buddy, Jeb Bush. Ladner, however, wants everyone to just chill until they know all the facts — meaning, of course, he doesn't want anyone to complain until it's a done deal. Then he'll ask, "If you didn't like the idea, why didn't you say anything before?"

NOTE TO LADNER (if you're reading this): It's "oy vey," not "oi vey." Didn't they teach Yiddish transliteration where you went to school? Is your ethnic chauvinism so overwhelming, you don't even think you have to google the spelling of a term in another language, from another culture, which isn't in your normal written vocabulary?