Link: Sign the American Freedom Pledge
It’s about time someone who wants to lead this nation stood up unequivocally for strict adherence the Constitution in the face of terror. No mincing words, no compromises with stupidity and evil, no ignoring the turd this Administration has smeared on our most treasured document. Too bad it wasn’t a Democrat. Ron Paul is putting every Democratic candidate to shame as the real champion of civil liberties and human rights.
While I can’t support him for President, I sincerely hope that Ron Paul is able to do the impossible and capture his party’s nomination for President. Nothing would so clearly signal the good sense and patriotism of Republicans everywhere, and demonstrate Republican voters’ rejection of the growing fascism of their own party’s policies.
I dread the day when one of the major American political parties decides that hostility to the American experiment is the way to win elections. If the GOP nominates anyone other than Paul, they will be embracing the right of all nations to unilateral military aggression, the destruction of all the progress of the past 50 years in civil and human rights both here and internationally, the permanent dismantling of our Constitutional order in exchange for the illusion of security, the plutocratic entanglement of government and corporate interests, the breaching of the wall of separation between our secular government and religious practice, and a hubristic unipolar imperial world order built on the shifting sands of force and fear which is destined for the scrapheap of empires we call history. Down that road lies a fascist America that would be a blight on the earth, an enemy to its own people, and a betrayal of our national heritage.
If the GOP nominates anyone other than Paul, the Republican Party should be declared illegal as a criminal enterprise seeking the overthrow of our Constitutional order. They will be a much greater danger to the state than the Communist Party ever was. They will have become the American Fascist Party.
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As for having Fascist ideals what would you call a Party that advocates taking over The Oil Company’s just for there profits;(plus all other company’s EXCEPT Wal Mart)taking over Heathcare just to control YOU and I and IF we get healthcare(demanding EVERYONE be EXAMINED like it or not)then having the same idiots that run the Post Office manage it;giving Illegal Aliens drivers Licenses and having them VOTE;TAXING pumpkins as a Non Edible Food(how many of you buy pumkins for Halloween and roast the seeds?) then saying if you want a tax rebate fill out a form and MAIL it in; the postage back and forth plus the idiot making the refund check costs more than the TAX;making every government program “For The Children” taking away money from medicare HMO programs(S-CHIP) and on and on; this IS NOT the Republican Party my friend!!
Boy am I glad these freaks were not around during World War I or World War II!