April Fool’s Day political satire

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

The Tucson Weekly's cover story for its April 1, 2010 edition — April Fool's Day — is a brilliant piece of political satire parodying the Republican majority of the Arizona Legislature. It rings all too true.

It's about a "Mythic" corporation that will take over the state of Arizona. "Sen. Randy "Hoof" Bergman, a Republican who represents Kokopelli County, tells the Weekly that he'll be co-sponsoring a bill that he plans to drop on Thursday, April 1, but he's elusive about the details."

This causes "state Sen. Wanda Newtax to nearly spit up a spoonful of the prickly pear chili she's devouring for lunch at Café Engañar, the popular vegan/heritage-food restaurant on North Fourth Avenue."

"This is the mother of all corporate giveaways," says Newtax, the ranking member of the Senate Federal Litigation and Firearms Committee. "It makes Halliburton look like a lemonade stand."

You get the idea. Kudos to Lisa Lopfor for writing A Mythic Proposition | Tucson Weekly. Mark Twain would be proud of you.

The funny part is how many people will take this story as the God's honest truth. It is not far off the mark from reality. A must-read.

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