Arizona and Florida play gun-crazies leapfrog

by David Safier

Florida says to Arizona, "I'll see your guns-in-the-classroom and raise you no-gun-questions-in-the-examining room."

Florida clearly wants to do Arizona one better in the Guns R Us competition. Two legislators have put together bill HB155 that prohibits doctors from asking a patient about guns stored in the patient's home.

A pediatrician explains why she asks parents if they have guns at home and how safely they are stored.

I have been asked why pediatricians — why I — ask parents and patients about whether they have a gun. I come to the answers on a daily basis. The answers are real — life and death.

I ask because of Trevor, age 4, who died after he stood atop his toy chest, reaching the shoe box above, pulled out the handgun that belonged to his mother’s boyfriend and fatally shot himself.

I ask because of 3-year-old James who, not strapped in his car seat, was able to reach forward under the driver’s seat and pull out the sawed-off shot gun his daddy kept for protection, fatally shooting himself.

I ask for Ana, who at 13 ended up in a wheelchair and was hospitalized six times related to a bullet in her spine from an accident when her brother was handling the family’s gun.

I ask because of Jared, age 11, who was expelled from school when he brought in his parents’ gun — to impress his friends.

I ask because of Danny, a typical teenager, who was distraught after his girlfriend broke off their relationship, and in an impulsive moment, pulled the trigger to send a bullet through his own face.

I ask because of Misha, now in foster care, whose mother was shot by her father, after years of domestic abuse.

I ask because any one of my patients could be at risk. I ask because firearm injury is a leading cause of death for children and teens. I ask because even responsible parents may underestimate risk.

It does seem reasonable that someone whose job is to inquire about the health of a child might want to know if guns are in easy reach in the home, doesn't it?

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