Biden for Arizona issued a press release yesterday showcasing reports from KOLD 13 News and Cronkite News that found, after talking with 82 Arizona Delegates to the Democratic National Convention next month, that their support for President Joe Biden is strong.
Among the quotes cited in the articles are:
“It’s a little different for me because in my community, our elders are revered and highly taken care of,” said April Hiosik Ignacio, the first Tohono O’odham tribal member to be elected to serve as a delegate. “I think the level of disrespect, to publicly humiliate an elder, that would not happen in any tribal community.”
Former Arizona State House Legislator Lorenzo Sierra stated:
“President Biden did not give up on me (when he was very ill,) and I will not give up on him. President Biden and Vice President (Kamala) Harris form the team America needs to ensure we will not fall into a MAGA dictatorship.”
Tucson Delegate and Arizona Corporation Commission Delegate Joshua Polacheck said:
“We have a person that is honest and committed to our democracy in President Biden, and sometimes he stumbles over his words. He had a bad night at the debate.”
Senator Mark Kelly commented:
“Millions of people all across the country, 50 states and more territories voted for him … and when it becomes a choice between him and Donald Trump, a convicted felon, the choice should be very clear to the American people.”
Llama Habern, of Cottonwood on Biden:
“He doesn’t have to be a great speaker, he just has to be a good president.”
Insurance agent Robert Branscomb from Phoenix conveyed:
“People sometimes get a little shaken, a knee-jerk reaction, but I’m fully confident that the Arizona delegation will stay behind President Biden. He’s done some fantastic work over three years; he’s kept his promises. We have a thriving economy, we have people in place to support him to move forward. … He should stick in the race no matter what.”
Two other delegates for the Democratic Convention who are with President Biden are the two leaders for Blog for Arizona.
Michael Bryan, the Blog for Arizona founder and current Program Director of Democrats for Greater Tucson wrote:
“Biden is our candidate. He beat Trump already. He built America back batter, just as he promised. And he’ll beat Trump again this year.”
Fellow Blog leader and Legislative District 18 Chairman Larry Bodine stated:
“When I get to the DNC Convention in Chicago, I’m voting for Joe Biden. He’s the only candidate who has defeated Trump, and he will again. Biden will restore abortion rights, keep the economy thriving, and create a sustainable future. Now is the time to take the fight to Republicans–to go on offense, not play defense, and to make the election a referendum on Donald Trump and the grave danger he poses to the world.”
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