Arizona Teachers and Education Activists Launch Educators for Biden/Harris

From Marisol Garcia X account.

Following the call from First Lady Dr. Jill Biden at a Minnesota Teachers-Education event, (please click here to watch; the First Lady starts to speak at about 32:20,) Arizona instructors and pro-public school activists gathered at the Arizona Education Association (AEA) offices in Phoenix to help launch Educators for Biden/Harris.

From Biden for Arizona

Speaking at the event, Legislative District (LD) 13 State Representative Jennifer Pawlik, an educator, stated:

“President Biden is working for us, educators, and students – meanwhile Republicans are not. The other side pushes to cut education funding. They give tax cuts to the wealthy. The other side puts billionaires above educators.”

Marisol Garcia, the head of the AEA, commented:

“I was a proud leader of Educators for Biden in 2020, and this year, even more is on the line. Donald Trump was a disaster in office for educators, students, and their families. It really only takes a reminder about Betsy DeVos for every single educator in the state to remember what’s at stake. To earn a high-quality education is to get a fair shot at creating a life for yourself and your family. President Biden knows this. He’s fighting for this. And he needs us to fight with him. Because he can’t do it alone.”

Later, Ms. Garcia posted on social media:

Ralph Quintana, the President of the Arizona Chapter of the American Federation of Teachers, relayed:

“In office, Trump was devastating for public education and everyone who relies on it. Instead of supporting programs that help students and educators, Trump proposed disastrous cuts to public education funding across the country. Meanwhile, Joe Biden understands the importance of public schools and the educators who make learning possible.”

Voters need to remember that Jill and Joe Biden have been consistent advocates for public school investment and support for all education staff including teachers.

Donald Trump.

Voters need to remember that the Secretary of Education during his term, Betsy DeVos, was an outspoken advocate for private school vouchers and, during her confirmation hearings, said guns may be necessary for schools to shoot at approaching grizzly bears.

Enough said.

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