Arizona’s 2019 Teacher of the Year Kareem Neal stars in the latest Biden Building Community Ad

Karem Neal decided Teaching and helping children was a better life choice than becoming a Chemical Engineer.

A Phoenix special education instructor, Mr. Neal is the star of the latest Biden Building Community ad.

Saying he “loves to have the ability to build this community in my classroom. When someone’s having a hard day, we just lift each other up…not being there is really tough but I’m thinking what about the rest of the community.”

He then criticizes Mr. Trump, saying:

“When the President says we have to open schools without a plan over and over again in school, I think it’s pretty reckless. He’s led the way in showing this lack of empathy.” 

Mr. Neal concludes by lavishing praise on Joe Biden, stating:

“Joe Biden knows loss. He actually seems to care about vulnerable people in our society and I think partly because his wife is a teacher that he understands what we need. We need someone who is going to look out for my student’s safety and my safety and I trust Joe Biden to do that.”

Please remember November 3, 2020, is in 91 days.

Please remember:

  • Primary Election Day is on August 4, 2020, and General Election Day is on November 3. 2020. Please see the below graphic for all-important voting dates. 
  • Please check your voter registration at vote.
  • Register/sign up for the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) in Arizona or any state that allows early or absentee balloting and mail. Arizona residents can sign up at vote
  • Arizona residents, mail your General Election ballot by October 28, 2020, for the November 3, 2020 election. With recent issues with the Post Office, you should consider mailing them out by October 23, 2020. 
  • Check-in with the Secretary of State’s office where you live to verify your mail-in ballot was received, processed, verified, and counted.
  • Know the voter ID requirements in your state.
  • If you can, support Clean Election Candidates with a small contribution.
  • Also, please remember to stay informed on all the candidates and vote for all the offices on the ballot.
  • Also, remember to research all the ballot initiatives, sign to get them on the ballot if you support the measure, and vote on them as well.






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