The GOP Wants Biden to Drop Out, Which is Exactly Why He Shouldn’t

Oh, what a spectacle! President Joe Biden’s first debate performance has been turned into a carnival sideshow by every pundit and keyboard warrior out there. But let’s sift through the noise and get real. The Republican Party and its parade of brainwashed mouth-breathers are banking on their relentless jeers and full-blown mockery to force Joe … Read more

5 Reasons Biden is Still the Headliner and Trump is Just a Sideshow

Alright, folks, let’s cut to the chase. We’ve heard it all—Biden’s too old, he looks frail, yada yada. But if we’re talking real leadership, which is what this country needs, Biden’s got Trump beat hands down. Grab your coffee (or something stronger) and let’s dive into why Joe’s still the one for the job. Experience … Read more

The GOP’s Doggone Cruelty Isn’t Just Policy, It’s Principle

In a recent unsettling reveal, Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota boasted about offing her family’s misbehaving dog, an act she proudly defended as necessary and decisive. Yep, you heard it right—why bother with trifles like behavioral training or rehoming when you can just execute any bothersome beast on a whim? Her personal actions are … Read more

Can I Get An Amen? Edited Edicts for the Evangelical Echelon

Today, we’re unveiling the New Ten Commandments, freshly updated with a twist of moral ambiguity. Crafted exclusively for 2024’s presumptive Republican presidential nominee and tacitly approved by the GOP, this Decalogue offers smooth sailing through the stormy seas of nationalist politics and faithful fervor. Get ready for some divine guidance that’s as flexible as a Republican … Read more

Crowdsourcing Law Enforcement: What Could Go Wrong?

Ah, Arizona, the beacon of Wild West revivalism, has done it again, folks! If you’re the nostalgic type, yearning for the days of saloons and shootouts, the Arizona Senate has something for you. They decided that the solution to retail theft isn’t through boring, conventional methods like hiring more police or investing in technology. No, … Read more